There is no city on the East Coast as active as Asheville, NC. There is no shortage of outdoor activities in western North Carolina. On land, you can stay busy with hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing. Whitewater rafting, tubing, swimming, and kayaking are fun for those who want to cool down during the summer. Generally, the weather is mild enough to allow Asheville residents the freedom to go outdoors even in the depths of winter. However, if you are experiencing knee pain, you may be limited in what you can enjoy here in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Knee Pain and Chiropractic Care Asheville, NC
Whether from injury or wear and tear, your knee pain may be improved by exercise and chiropractic care. At Kordonowy Chiropractic, we help you recover from leg and knee pain by working to identify the cause and develop a plan to help you improve. We help you practice corrective exercises and stretches that will help you better perform a wide range of tasks and recreation, including:
- Hiking up and down mountain trails
- Whitewater rafting and kayaking
- Mountain Biking in Dupont, Bent Creek, or along the French Broad Greenway
- Transportation and road cycling
- Walking to and from restaurants and shops in downtown Asheville
- Yard work
- Sledding and skiing
If you are ready to begin recovering from knee and leg pain, contact Kordonowy Chiropractic. With over 30 years of experience in chiropractic care, Dr. Stuart Kordonowy can help you recover from a wide range of pain related issues.