There is an opioid crisis in the United States. Awareness of the issue rising, but not quickly enough to save the lives of the approximately 130 people who die each day due to opioid abuse. Chronic pain contributes to depression and desperation for relief, often fueling addiction to prescription pain medication. Unfortunately, many people do not realize the potential relief available through chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy.
At Kordonowy Chiropractic Center, we are helping Asheville area residents find safe alternatives for pain management. In this article, we are discussing the dangers of prescription pain medication addiction and the benefits of seeking pain management alternatives before beginning drug treatments.
During the hazy days of long North Carolina summers, it seems like the only thing getting a workout is your air conditioner. Your favorite outdoor activities, from walking, biking, and hiking to pickup basketball and playing with the kids/pets in the backyard, become much more challenging. How do heat and humidity affect your body - and can you work up a good (healthy) sweat safely?
Being in a car accident is undoubtedly traumatic - emotionally and physically. It is common to feel aches and pains, even if you are “fortunate” and escape serious injury. But when it comes to your spinal and neck health, you cannot be too cautious. Even “minor” injuries can have significant impacts on your mobility, comfort level, and overall health and wellness. What do you need to know about car accidents and your spine?
Spinal manipulation has been practiced for centuries; though, as a discipline, it’s relatively “young” at a few hundred years old. Countless people have found relief and reinvigoration. From boosting immune, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, and joint health to increasing energy, the advantages are certainly as numerous as they are diverse. But does chiropractic care for children deliver the same benefits? And are there risks to consider?
After a long winter, it’s only natural that we look forward to spring’s warmer temperatures, sunny days, and the beautiful scenery that begins to bud and blossom. But if you suffer from allergies, spring is very much a double-edged sword. You long to be outside - and you often “pay” for it with itchy, red, watery eyes, a runny nose, and other uncomfortable symptoms. What can you do? The answer may surprise you: chiropractic care.